Does Your Water Softener Need Repair?

Utah water softener repair

Water softener systems work magic at your home or business, especially with the challenges posed by northern Utah’s notoriously hard water.

When something goes wrong with a softening or filtration system, however, it can be difficult to determine what the problem is. In fact, you may not even know you have a problem until you begin to notice unpleasant changes in your water supply.

To determine whether you need water softener repair, consider these key factors.

The Age of Your Water Softening System

Some systems last longer than others and, inevitably, all systems will eventually wear out or break down. The challenge is knowing how long your particular system is designed to last. Traditional, single-tank systems typically last about 10 years or so.

Other systems, such as those installed by Kinetico, can easily last twice that long, thanks to its innovative design.

If you have a traditional system that is more than five years old, it’s probably wise to have it checked out by a water softener repair specialist.

The Way Your Water Softener Has Been Maintained

The type and frequency of maintenance your water softener requires is, again, dependent on the make and model of the system. Traditional systems require more frequent maintenance to remain reliable.

If you purchased a home that already had a system in place, it may be difficult to determine how well the softener was maintained by the previous owner. A repair expert can inspect and evaluate the system and make recommendations accordingly.

The Quality of Your Water

One of the biggest indicators of a problem is the sudden appearance of scale buildup as well as a less-than-clean feeling on your skin and hair after a shower. Your laundry may become dingy or your glassware may develop water spotting.

Sometimes these changes are gradual but, in the case of a major issue with your system, they can also develop more quickly.

The Opinion of a Water Softener Expert

The best way to determine whether your water softener needs maintenance or repair is to consult an expert.

At Kinetico, we design and install softeners and water filtration systems that are designed to require minimal maintenance or repair. Our systems are designed to have a long lifespan (20 years or more) and to produce an abundant flow of soft water.

Our systems have been carefully designed and engineered to stand the test of time with little time or effort on your part. Unlike traditional single-tank systems, our innovative design does not require electricity and you’ll never have to mess with settings or adjustments.

We serve customers throughout northern Utah, providing expert service and the best equipment in the industry. Contact us today to learn more, especially if you suspect your current water softener may need to be repaired or replaced.

Kinetico serves customers throughout northern Utah, including the Salt Lake City metro area, Provo, Bountiful and Ogden. We specialize in advanced water treatment options, including whole-home softening and filtration systems. Our innovative systems are long-lasting, highly effective and affordable. And, as they don’t use electricity, you never have to worry about having a bountiful supply of soft, healthy water.

Contact Kinetico today to schedule your personal consultation water testing. We look forward to helping you banish scale buildup forever at your Utah home or business.

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