When considering water filters or purification systems for any part of their homes or buildings, many people naturally consider the individual benefits first and foremost. Beyond the improved taste and health-related benefits that come to individual users of a water purification system, however, there’s another key plus area to consider as well: Environmental benefits.
At Kinetico, we’re proud to offer a variety of reverse osmosis water purification systems, which are used alongside our water softeners and other water treatment solutions for several major purposes. What are the major ways a water purification system benefits not just you and the other people in your home or building, but also the environment itself? Here’s a basic primer.
Limiting Plastic Water Bottle Consumption
Water purification systems are a primary alternative to the constant production and consumption of plastic water bottles that can end up in a landfill or even a waterway, where they never biodegrade. Plastic pollution is a huge issue for the globe’s rivers and oceans – with an estimated five trillion plastic pieces weighing over 250,000 tons currently floating around the world’s waters.
When you install water purification systems in your home or office building, you’re able to eliminate the need plastic water bottles.
Reducing Fossil Fuel Consumption
In addition to the massive pollution issues plastic water bottles lead to, their manufacturing also requires fossil fuels and natural gas – to produce the plastic bottles themselves, generate power for their production and transportation, etc. By eliminating a need for as many of these types of plastic water bottles – whether through home filtration systems or simply by not buying them – you can reduce your dependence on fossil fuels and help preserve natural resources for future generations.
For more on the environmental benefits of water purification systems and water softeners, or to learn about any of our water treatment programs, speak to the pros at Kinetico today.